A band, a field, smoke, and a raw approach. A simple concept drawn on a bar napkin turned into the image above. And Henry the Archer was the perfect band to accomplish it.
Henry the Archer is the brain child of native New Jersey boy Richard Hennessy. Last year Richard was given the opportunity to transfer his job down to Fort Worth, Texas, so he made his way down south with the hopes of keeping Henry the Archer alive. Shortly after arriving he joined forces with Kevin Geist on drums, and Matt Hembree on bass to round out a three piece of post punk and sex pop.
Now fast forward to a little earlier this year when I received a call from Richard needing some promo photos done. We tossed around ideas and I told him about a concept I had drawn on a bar napkin and wanted to do with a band. He said it sounded perfect and a few days later we all met up in a field in North Keller to begin shooting. But what I hadn't factored in was the blue GTO that was brought to the shoot, and it was immediately required to be a part of everything.
So meet Henry the Archer, and what could easily be one of my favorite bands in North Texas. They are about to release a new studio album in September called When Something Means Nothing, and I was fortunate enough to work with them on the photography and art on it. And let me tell you, that shoot was COMPLETELY INSANE. Be on the look out for it and the photos over the next few weeks.